Machia Artis

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A novel approach to predict FX rates based on economic events and finance insights using machine learning techniques.

We executed advanced analytical techniques to extend scientific theories into an innovative and profitable project.

Forecasting based on Economic events

This work is the first to explore the predictive relationship of economic news events and the FX market. Our work introduces a profitable trading system based on the economic events in the FX markets; an economic data source that, to the best of our knowledge, has not been considered by other competitors.

Machine Learning, Text Mining and new Sentiment Dictionary

We succeeded to develop foreign exchange forecasting models with regards to technical and text mining methods, using machine learning prediction techniques.

We consider a rich set of text mining methods to extract information from news events and build a novel sentiment dictionary for the foreign exchange market.


We have dedicated the last 4 years full time to take the product from the concept phase to market launch.

  • 2017 – 2018: Concept, design & research, first model
  • 2018 – 2020: Algorithm formulated, first steps in development, improvements to the model
  • 2021: The final stage of development, company formation of MACHIA ARTIS Berlin
  • 2021: Testing of Prototype in real time
  • 2022: Official Product release

Our algorithm is backed by scientific research.

This work is the first to explore the predictive relationship between macro economic news events and the FX markets